I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Habal this morning and received the best news possible … I have had a complete pathological response!!! What this means is that there was NO EVIDENCE of cancer in anything that was removed during surgery. My lymph nodes and breast tissue all came back negative. This is the best possible response we could have seen – I really did kick cancers ass!!!
The doctor preformed a lumpectomy and also removed 13 lymph nodes during surgery. I still have my JP drain attached, which mean no driving or work for another week. I’ll still need radiation and have an appointment with the radiologist next Friday to begin that process. I’ll continue to receive Herceptin for the next year. Because of the type of breast cancer I had, this medicine is crucial in preventing a reoccurrence. The side effects of this drug are nothing like those of my other chemo meds. In fact, my hair has already begun to grow back!
Dr. Habal also removed my port during this surgery. I have a follow up ultrasound on Monday to assess the blood clot in my arm. Hopefully, it is gone and I will no longer have to take Coumadin and I can return to a normal diet that includes greens and beer!!!
Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers. We could not have made it through the last few months without it. We are so blessed!!!