Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sweet Summertime

Summer arrived in our house a few weeks ago when Aiden finished kindergarten! We are so proud of all his hard work over the last year and he is looking forward to starting 1st grade in August. 

Even though it’s summer, we are still on the go! I just finished teaching 2 summer classes, Aiden went from soccer to baseball and in now doing swim team, business has been great at Jersey Mike’s and is keep Jonathan busy!

Our nephew Mason came to visit and those boys wore me out! 

I was able to squeeze in a few minutes with Jackie; I took a quick trip up to NJ for a memorial service for my best friends father.

We participated in Pitt County's Relay for Life and celebrated 3 years of survivorship and walked the PurpleStride in Raleigh in memory of my father-in-law, Dan!

It’s been a busy few months but I have loved every minute of it with my boys!  We are looking forward to vacation at Holden Beach soon so we can relax and spend some time together!

I recently had my 6 month mammogram and follow-up with the breast surgeon; I am happy to report that the mamo was clear and everything looks great! I see the oncologist in a few weeks and we are expecting the same report from her. In April I had genetic testing done at Duke and even though those results came back negative, I have decided to go ahead with a double mastectomy with reconstruction.  The doctor will place tissue expander in during surgery and those will slowly be filled to stretch the tissue and replaced with implants hopefully within a few months.  I’ve got a bunch of trashy TV saved up on the DVR to keep me busy during recovery, hopefully I can catch up on some other blog posts I’ve been wanting to share as well!