I cannot believe it’s been almost a year since I have updated my blog. The intent to update is always there but finding the time to sit down and write isn’t. I started this blog to keep everyone updated on my journey through treatment and over the last year there hasn’t been much to update – thank goodness (more on that later)! While it’s been a busy 10 months in our house it’s also been fairly normal. We did have 3 major events in the past couple of months … Aiden started a new school, we visited Disney, and Greenville got snow!
The transition to Aiden’s new school was difficult for ALL of us. At one point I even struggled with whether or not we made the right decision in moving schools. He had, and still has, a hard time with talking during non-talking times and staying in his seat. It also took some time for him to get used to taking a nap again. But, as the school year went on, he settled into the routine and we are 100% confident in the choice we made. Here are some pictures of his first day.

In January, we took a long weekend trip to Disney with my parents and had an absolute BLAST! I love Disney but nothing could prepare me for experiencing with Aiden. He was a little hesitant at first; all he wanted to do was swim in the hotel pool. I don’t think he really understood the magnitude of Disney until he stepped foot in the Magic Kingdom, after that he was in awe!!! His favorite ride was the Speedway but if he was tall enough for it, he was riding it. Lil man hung in there for Space Mountain, Mission Space, and Tower of Terror. He was asking about a return trip even before we left! Truth be told, I was secretly trying to figure out how I could talk Jonathan into going back as well.
Winter tends to be somewhat mild here in Eastern NC, at most we get a dusting of snow. This winter was an exception .... we got snow, on several occasions.
The adjustment from “patient” to “survivor” has been a little harder than I thought. Some days the uncertainty of the future scares me. Earlier this month, my routine CT showed a small spot in my hip bone. My oncologist said she wasn’t too concerned but wanted to follow up with a bone scan. While the doctor was “very happy with the results” she also said we “weren’t completely out of the woods yet”. The bone scan didn’t show any other spots and they feel the spot is just degenerative bone, but they plan to follow up with another scan in 12 weeks to monitor it. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted on those results. Hopefully, I’ll manage to get a few more updates on life in general before then!
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