Tuesday, September 9, 2014

People Are Counting On You

When I came across this video about a week ago, it really hit home. The story is about a mom that continues to plan her child’s birthday in the middle of her cancer diagnosis. When Aiden turned 3, I switched the day of my chemo so that the side effects of treatment would subside before his party. His birthday also ended up falling right in the 2-3 week window where my hair would begin to fall out; four days before his birthday, I shaved my head.

This story is pretty accurate in describing some of things that happen after a cancer diagnosis. In the struggle to find balance between being a cancer patient and being “normal”, I had lots of encouragement and support. I was praised for being strong and admired for the way I faced this new challenge. Some people were in disbelief that I could just carry on as normal as possible. But to me, there was never any other option … People Were Counting on Me.

I had a little boy that needed his mommy. He needed me there every morning when he woke up and to be there to tuck him in every night along with every little thing in between.

I had a husband, that lost his father to cancer 3 years earlier, that needed me to restore his faith.

I had parents that didn’t need to bury a child.

I had family that supported me from hundreds of miles away.

I had friends that needed me to complete our circle and to be their support system.

I had co-workers that needed to go back to doing their own jobs.

I had students that needed a teacher.

I had a God that had a bigger plan for me than I had for myself.

I had myself and I wasn’t willing to give up.

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