The CT scan came back clear, my echo looked great, and my blood work was perfect. I have a bone scan next Wednesday but the oncologist is optimistic that will come back clear too. Other than this nasty ol’ tumor, I’m in perfect health. This makes it easier to kick the crap out of this cancer!
My first round of chemo will be June 11th and I’ll go every 3 weeks for 6 rounds which will take me into October. Depending on how I feel, we may adjust my chemo days. I’m hoping to receive my treatments on a day that will allow me to feel “normal” on the weekends so that I can spend those days with Aiden. Of course he will be able to see the physical changes in me while I undergo chemo and surgery but I take comfort in knowing he’s too young to form a memory of all that’s going to happen in the next year and a half.
I came home from the doctor’s office to a mailbox full of love and sweet messages from my amazing family and friends. Check out this awesome breast cancer cookie bouquet that a very special group of friends sent. It came with information on breast cancer and a portion of the proceeds go to support the Susan G. Komen Foundation – how cool is that!
THANK YOU all for the cards, emails, comments, text, and prayers. I’m truly blessed to have such an amazing support group. I love you!