Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Everything Changes

In a previous post, I said that while I was doing fine I knew that would change once chemo started and I was right! Sunday night and Monday were the hardest days I have had so far. I was scared, nervous, and cried a lot! I have been dreading the start of chemo since my diagnosis. I know I need the treatment and wasn’t trying to avoid it, but once chemo starts EVERYTHING changes and my world becomes an unknown and that’s the scary part. Monday morning was the biggest struggle! It was especially hard dropping Aiden off at school not knowing how I would feel when he got home or how our world would change.

I had to see the oncologist before chemo to get the results of the bone scan … all clear!!!  After seeing Dr White, I headed back to the treatment room and began the 5 hour chemo process. Can you believe me, having to sit somewhere for 5 hours straight, with no internet access!!! That was a major struggle for me, lol! I was able to get online with my phone, had plenty of trashy magazines read, and some good company! A special Thank You to Jennifer for spending her birthday with me and my chemo drugs until Jonathan got there!!! The first treatment always takes the longest; they run the drugs super slow to make sure I don’t have a reaction. Future treatments should only take about 2.5-3 hours and thanks to the hubby I have all 3 Fifty Shades books to help me get through those!  But, I prefer a good chat with friends so I’m always up for visitors during treatment!
I returned to the doctor yesterday to receive a Neulasta shot. I’ll get this the day after every chemo treatment to help boost my white blood cell count.  It causes a little bit of bone/joint pain but nothing a pain pill can't help.
It’s two days out from chemo and I’m doing really well. I have lots of meds to help with the nausea and pain and have been taking naps and going to bed early.  I’m a little nervous that I’ll start to feel worse in the coming days, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
THANK YOU for all your love and support! I truly appreciate all the phone calls, text, facebook posts, comments, and prayers! It means so much to know that you are taking time out of your busy day to think about me! With lots of love and support I made it through my first round of chemo and I’m feeling good! I’m still scared and nervous about the days and weeks ahead but one step at a time, right?

1 comment:

  1. Jamie- praying for you during this journey! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your family.
    Wendy Modlin
